
Find Out The 10 Benefits Of Dental Implants

BLOG - Plantation, FL
Dental Implants

By My Dentist For Life Of Plantation

Tooth replacement with dental implants is a common and successful option. Every year, dentists in just the United States insert more than 5 million implants. While dental implants do have some drawbacks, they also offer a long list of benefits that not a lot of tooth replacement options can match. For many people, the advantages of dental implants far outweigh the disadvantages. If you’ve lost one or more teeth, here are some of the advantages of dental implants. Go through them and end any queries related to dental implants. 

They Are Really Versatile

Bridges, partial dentures, and complete dentures can only replace a certain number of teeth. As a result, your treatment options may be limited depending on how many teeth you’ve lost. On the other hand, implants are a treatment that can be employed in a variety of ways. They can have a crown placed on a single tooth, a bridge or partial denture placed on many teeth, or full dentures placed on all of your teeth. This allows you and your dentist to develop the ideal treatment plan for you.

They Are Very Comfortable

Dental implants are surgically implanted into your jawbone to replicate the root of a tooth and provide extra strength and support to the prosthetic. During the healing process, your jawbone grows around the titanium rod in your jaw, locking it even more firmly in place. Due to this added stability, implants feel almost comparable to natural teeth, and you won’t even notice they’re there. Other tooth replacement options simply lack the sensation of dental roots, making them seem less secure and natural than implants.

The comfort difference between implant-supported dentures and traditional dentures is arguably the most noticeable. Implants keep your denture in place, reducing the discomfort of loose dentures and the need to use noxious denture adhesives. These are just a few of the benefits of dental implants that have led many people to choose them as an alternative to dentures.

They Help To Speak With Ease

As our teeth are so important in helping us generate certain sounds, losing a few crucial front teeth could have an unexpected effect on your speech. Similarly, if your dentures are loose, you may slur or lisp while speaking. This can be humiliating and distracting since you’re constantly worried about your teeth slipping or how your voice will sound.

Both of these issues are treatable with implants. Implants provide a surface for your tongue to press against when creating words, making it much easier to speak straight away if you only have a gap between your teeth. Furthermore, multiple deeply embedded implants hold implant-supported dentures firmly, preventing them from slipping or sliding about in your mouth. As a result, one of the advantages of dental implants is the freedom and confidence with which you may speak.

There Is No Such Restriction On Food

If you’re missing a few molars, you know how significantly a few missing teeth can hinder your ability to chew particular foods. Implants fill up the gaps, allowing you to resume normal eating habits. As they’re fixed into your jawbone, implant-supported dentures don’t have the same eating restrictions as traditional dentures. You can eat your favorite chewy or crunchy foods as usual. There is no need to worry about your dentures slipping as you eat, so you may eat whatever you want without feeling self-conscious in public.

They Look Pretty Natural

Due to the advancements in materials and technology, dental implants now appear as natural as they feel. Your prosthetics are manufactured just for you, so your smile looks as fantastic as it feels. If you have natural teeth, the prosthetic tooth is meant to blend in seamlessly with them. Even dentures look fantastic with acrylic gums that match the color of your natural gums. No one will be able to tell which of your teeth are natural and which aren’t if you use crowns, bridges, or dentures to cover your implants.

They Can Help Boost Your Self-Confidence

If you have a gap between your teeth, you are probably well aware of how self-conscious it makes you feel. It’s all too easy to get caught up in what other individuals think of the gap or how it may affect your speech. Implants can offer you a natural-looking smile that gives you the confidence to speak and smile.

They Can Improve Your Dental Health

Despite the fact that receiving a dental implant may appear invasive and terrifying, many dentists regard implants as a more conservative treatment choice for missing teeth. This is owing to the fact that implants do not affect your natural teeth in any way. Implants are supported the same way natural teeth are: by being fastened directly in the jaw. Bridges, on the other hand, are supported by crowns that are affixed to the healthy teeth on either side of the gap in your smile. Dental work on otherwise healthy teeth is never a smart choice because it can weaken them. It may be as simple as letting your healthy teeth alone to maintain your oral health for years to come.

They Help To Prevent Loss Of Bone

By conveying signals to your jawbone, the roots of your teeth play a crucial role in its growth. When you lose a tooth, the bone that was previously the tooth root begins to resorb, causing your face to cave in with time. This vital role is performed by the titanium rod that attaches your implant to your jawbone, even stimulating the jawbone to grow around it during the healing process. It not only protects your face’s shape by preventing bone loss, but it also has the ability to reverse some bone loss that has already occurred. Other tooth replacement options are unable to stimulate the jawbone and so are unable to accomplish this.

They Are Not Difficult To Be Maintained

Crowned dental implants are very low-maintenance, requiring simply regular oral hygiene practice to ensure that they last as long as possible. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing and using mouthwash at least once a day, and visiting your dentist for a preventative cleaning every six months are all examples of proper oral hygiene. You don’t need to continue with your dental hygiene routine. Implants capped with bridges require only one extra step: washing beneath the prosthetic tooth to keep your gums healthy, but implants capped with dentures require the same degree of care as typical dentures.

They Can Last For A Long Time

Dental implants are extremely long-lasting. If you maintain good dental hygiene, your implant will last a lifetime, but wear and tear will require you to replace the crown on your implant every 15 years or so. In contrast, depending on how well you maintain your bridge, it will need to be replaced every five to fifteen years. Dentures should be replaced every five to eight years, and they should be altered on a regular basis owing to jaw bone loss. The long-term endurance of implants saves you money because they don’t need to be adjusted. They’re quite easy to keep clean after your implant is in place.

We hope that you now know why an implant is an effective teeth replacement option. Book an appointment at My Dentist For Life if you are looking for the best dental implant treatment in Plantation, FL, and nearby.