
How To Cope-Up With The Problem Of Bruxism At Night?

BLOG - Plantation, FL

By My Dentist For Life Of Plantation

Do you have a sore jaw when you get up in the morning? Does your partner hear grinding noises from your side of the bed in the middle of the night? It’s possible that you’ll need to learn how to stop clenching your teeth at night. This frequent activity can lead to a variety of significant dental problems, so it’s worth your time to understand how to avoid it. The grinding and clenching of teeth have a term among dentists. It’s known as bruxism. It’s known as sleep bruxism if you grind your teeth at night. Dentists often detect the condition because it might harm the enamel of your teeth if it becomes serious enough.

The best dentist in Plantation has come up with effective tips to cope-up with the problem of bruxism or teeth clenching at night. So, if you are suffering from such an issue, going through the sections below can be of great help. 

Tips To Deal With Teeth Grinding Or Bruxism

Emotional stress or worry are the most common causes of clenching and grinding. You should begin by addressing any stressful conditions in your life to prevent bruxism. Then, before going to bed, follow these procedures to unwind.

  • Keep a notebook next to your bed. If you\’re feeling anxious before bedtime, jot down your thoughts for five minutes, then put the pen down and retire for the night. This method may aid in the reduction of negative reoccurring thoughts, which may be the source of nightly clenching.
  • Close your eyes and become conscious of the strain in your jaw as you fall off to sleep. Simply placing your head on the pillow can cause your jaw to clench. Loosen and relax the muscles of your jaw and face consciously. If you wake up in the middle of the night, repeat the relaxing routine.
  • If your bed partner hears you grinding in the middle of the night, ask him or her to nudge you. Before going back to sleep, perform the attentive awareness practice when you wake up.
  • Talk to your dentist about wearing a mouthguard if you still need help learning how to quit clenching your teeth at night. A mouthguard can be purchased at many local drugstores, or your dentist may advise you to have one custom-built.

We hope that you now know the tips to resolve the problem of bruxism or teeth grinding. If you still do not witness any positive results, do get in touch with My Dentist For Life Of Plantation.

Signs Of Bruxism

One of the most challenging factors of bruxism is it happens at night. Therefore, the chances of noticing the issue are pretty low. We have listed down the common signs of bruxism or teeth grinding. 

  • Headaches in the morning
  • Teeth that are chipped or cracked
  • Jaw or face muscles ache
  • Indentations or impressions on your tongue
  • Loose teeth
  • Sensitivity in teeth

If you notice any such symptoms, wait no more for professional consultation. Also, make sure to check our website regularly for blogs related to oral health tips.